Don't Even Post This
This game is a test not a game. A game is completed that is playable and has a purpose. This was very poorly constructed. the walking animation still went on even if you weren't walking sometimes. the attacks, were fine and they connected but they were way too slow and you could hold down the button and walk resulting in a weird float. The super moves made me cringe because it was so bad......
First of all. The hadoken, it's too big, you should only have something that big if it was a super, and I see you ripped it straight from Proxcide. Also after the hadoken he just stays there. The hadoken doesn't even connect with the pad it just floats thru! And by the way it's a Shinryuken, not a Shoryureppa. The shinryuken doesn't even connect and it keeps on repeating after the animation was gone by once. The sprites aren't even from the same game! Oh yeah, and all the moves can be canceled saying that if you were in a middle of a punch, you can just cancel it doing another move. I suggest you get a full game done. These things are tests that should be kept on your computer. In fact I have something like this on my computer, but I didn't upload this because there is no need.
BLAM This Piece of Crap!